Other things we love
This is merely a small directory meant to highlight a bunch of other people, places and things that we have found. Think of this like a virtual show and tell for other people and organizations and the amazing things they are doing.
This list is not all-encompassing, nor even close to complete. It is subject to change, but feel free to click on something that might solve a problem you are working on.
AJ Obando is the big frog at https://www.bigfrog.com/omaha/ and http://popcultpins.com/
Craig Inzana is an entrepreneur at https://www.craiginzana.com/ and also hosts a fantastic podcast called Happy You Are Here: https://happyyouarehere.life/
Jenny Christopherson is making cats beautiful at https://www.grandfeline.com/
Joey Sears is a video storyteller at https://www.strongcoverproductions.com
Luke Armstrong is an example of multipotentiality, he has too many titles to name but you can start here: https://calicommons.net/
Rachelle Difonzo is an entrepreneur and owner of https://detailsbydifonzo.com/
Tony Horner is a Kombucha master at https://www.fermentedfelon.com/
Xavier Jackson is making art accessible at http://localartplug.com/
Undiscovered, or at least unlisted?
If you know of someone / some place who would be addition to this list, email me at artattacksllc@gmail.com